Did someone say Challenge?

For the next 365 days I plan to post daily pictures of something that made me smile.
I have lots of reasons to smile and I can thank my wonderful Husband and Daughter for that! I can post thousands of pictures and write a million blogs about them but I want dig a little deeper and find beauty in every corner of my life.
Like everyone else my life is not with out its challenges and sometimes I have to remind myself to ''Stop and smell the roses' as the saying goes.
Im just your normal mother and housewife who has found herself caught up in day to day duties and struggles of housewivery? Is that a word? anyway! That is why I chose this subject for my blog. I wont be to posting 'Selfies' non stop and I dont pretend to be a full on photograger. You wont find any pholosophical insights or any political or religeous babble here!
Im sure some days I wont feel like smiling, non the less posting, but I will push through!
Why not post your own reason to smile?
Be it a wonderful view, or a view of a loved ones. Perhaps its a pile of laundry that is nothing to smile about, lets face it, but isn't it still a reason to be thankful for? Thankful for having clothes to wear and wash and thankful for having loved ones to wash them for?!
I think there is beauty all around us and with bit or imagination and persistance we can fill the next 365 days with love.
What made me smile today?
Lets see...
So.. get posting

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Greys is Family!

The first time I was introduced to Grey's was in 2007 when a friend couldn't shut up about it. She was literally obsessed and was always looking for sites to download or watch it on. I didn't get it to be honest, I thought she was crazy. Sorry Kerstin:) ... any way fast forward a year or two, I'm visiting my family in South Africa. Moms at work. Sister is a kick ass Nurse, working shifts at the hospital and I'm stuck at home with a 3 month old. Babies are great and of course I love my daughter but between all the crying, pooping, burping, washing and crying it doesn't leave much time for sight seeing or relaxing as one would expect to do on holidays.

On hearing that I hadn't seen Grey's Anatomy my Mom and Sister almost hyperventilated! It was a sacrilege and something that had to be rectified immediately. Luckily for me, my sister had a box set of the first 3 SEASONS... YAY!
I was tentative... I inserted the DVD at sat down with a load of washing to fold next to me. And thats where they stayed. In the basket on the couch!
I was hooked!
I didn't do anything from then on (and basically every week its been on since). I didn't do anything the whole day. Well anything that wasn't technically a necessity!
Roll on to 2016 and season 13 and now its a part of me.
We have survived deaths McDreamy, McSteamy, Lexy and Danny, I need to insert a shit load of crying emojis here! and failed relationships - more crying emojis and great friendships!

Even though there are loads of crying emojis here it still manages to make me happy every week. Its my weekly stress relief. A good ol' cry and giggle every week to reset the hectic girly emotions. And every week when I'm ugly crying and my husband feels its safe to come back into the lounge he looks confused and slighty afraid:) asks why I keep watching when it makes me cry? and all through the bad seasons and not so great episodes, I still keep watching Why? Because Greys is Family:)

Not to mention the sound track! These are the top 

18 Songs That “Grey’s Anatomy” Ruined For You Forever 
